Spatial computing continues to evolve and take shape as an industry. Like other tech sectors, it has spawned several sub-segments that comprise an ecosystem. These each represent standalone topics in ARtillery Intelligence’s ongoing analysis, including monthly intelligence briefings like this.
Prominent sectors so far include industrial AR, consumer VR, and AR shopping. But existing alongside all of them – and overlapping to some degree – is AR marketing. Among other things, this includes sponsored AR lenses that let consumers visualize or virtually try-on products.
Supporting AR marketing are several components. For example, lens creation software arms brands and developers with low-code tools to author AR experiences. Social networks like Snapchat and Instagram meanwhile offer the additional ability to amplify lenses throughout their social graphs. That paid amplification is projected to drive $4.4 billion in brand spending this year and $7.8 billion by 2026.
As we’ve examined in past reports, the factors driving this brand spending include advertisers’ growing affinity for, and recognition of, AR’s potential. Its ability to demonstrate products in immersive ways resonates with their creative sensibilities, transcending what’s possible in two-dimensional formats.
Beyond that appeal, there’s a real business case. AR marketing campaigns continue to show strong performance metrics. This was the case in “normal” times and accelerated during the Covid era when retail lockdowns compelled AR’s ability to visualize products remotely. That exposure has led to sustained traction in the Post-Covid era.
AR marketing’s proof can be seen in the numbers, such as campaign performance metrics analyzed in past case studies. We’re now doubling down on those narratives with another round of case studies.
The goal is to explore not only the what and why of AR marketing – well-worn topics – but also the how. This takes shape in AR campaign breakdowns. What’s working and not working in these early stages while the AR marketing playbook is still being written?
Another ongoing theme carried forward in this report is how AR marketing campaigns can map to brand marketers’ varied goals. This builds on AR’s versatility and its unique ability to span the consumer purchase funnel – from upper-funnel reach-driven campaigns to lower-funnel conversion-driven campaigns.
The case studies in this report will accordingly span funnel stages. Similarly, we’ll examine varied and evolving analytics. In fact, a looming question in AR marketing is what are the best metrics to track effectiveness? This will be a moving target.
As a bonus, ARtillery Intelligence has created a library of AR ad campaigns. Known as Campaign Tracker, it lives on ARtillery Pro (login required). It includes AR ad campaigns at-a-glance and in-depth. It’s meant to supplement this report with ongoing all-year education around AR marketing best practices. As always, the goal is to empower you with a knowledge edge.

The fastest and most cost-efficient way to get access to this report is by subscribing to ARtillery PRO. You can also purchase it a la carte.

This report highlights ARtillery Intelligence viewpoints, gathered from its daily in-depth market coverage. To support narratives, data are cited throughout the report. These include ARtillery Intelligence’s original data, as well as that of third parties. Sources are linked or attributed in each case.
For market sizing and forecasting, ARtillery Intelligence follows disciplined best practices, developed and reinforced through its principles’ 17 years in tech-sector research and intelligence. This includes the past 7 years covering AR & VR exclusively, as seen in research reports and daily reporting.
This approach primarily applies a bottom-up forecasting analysis, secondarily vetted against a top-down analysis. Together, confidence is achieved through triangulating figures in a disciplined way. More about our methodology can be seen here, and market-sizing credentials can be seen here.

Unless specified in its stock ownership disclosures, ARtillery Intelligence has no financial stake in the companies mentioned in its reports. The production of this report likewise wasn’t commissioned. With all market sizing, ARtillery Intelligence remains independent of players and practitioners in the sectors it covers, thus mitigating bias in industry revenue calculations and projections. ARtillery Intelligence’s disclosures, stock ownership, and ethics policy can be seen in full here.

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